Online Multi-frame Blind Deconvolution with
Super-resolution and Saturation Correction

Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics

Michael Hirsch      Stefan Harmeling      Suvrit Sra      Bernhard Schölkopf

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Department of Empirical Inference


A sequence of 40 short exposure images of Epsilon Lyrae (shown on the left) is shown which is deconvolved blindly, i.e. without any knowledgement of the degradation caused by atmospheric turbulence. Our Online Blind Deconvolution algorithm estimates for each observed image simultaneously the temporary PSF (shown in the middle) as well as the true underlying image (shown in the right panel). Note, how both the estimation of the PSF as well as the image of the binary star steadily improves the more images have been observed.


Astronomical images taken by ground-based telescopes suffer degradation due to atmospheric turbulence. This degradation can be tackled by costly hardware-based approaches such as adaptive optics, or by sophisticated software-based methods such as lucky imaging, speckle imaging, or multi-frame deconvolution. Software-based methods process a sequence of images to reconstruct a deblurred high-quality image. However, existing approaches are limited in one or several aspects: (i) they process all images in batch mode, which for thousands of images is prohibitive; (ii) they do not reconstruct a super-resolved image, even though an image sequence often contains enough information; (iii) they are unable to deal with saturated pixels; and (iv) they are usually non-blind, i.e.,they assume the blur kernels to be known. In this paper we present a new method for multi-frame deconvolution called Online Blind Deconvolution (OBD) that overcomes all these limitations simultaneously. Encouraging results on simulated and real astronomical images demonstrate that OBD yields deblurred images of comparable and often better quality than existing approaches

Demo & Matlab Code

The demo illustrates our Online Blind Deconvolution algorithm for the example of a binary star. Input is a sequence of 40 short exposure images of Epsilon Lyrae. The images were taken by Josef Pöpsel at the Capella Observatory, Mount Skinakas, Crete, Greece.

This demo was written in Matlab and requires a Matlab installation to run. It was tested with Matlab version R2008a. For any comments, suggestions or questions don't hesitate to send an email to michael.hirsch (at)

Download matlab demo


Copyright © Michael Hirsch 2010